Here you will find unconventional, out of the ordinary, one of a kind surreal digital art. Please enjoy! Mastodon

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Manipulated Flower Two Digital Art by Constance Lowery

Comments (105)

Ann Skelton

Ann Skelton

Awesome Constance! l/f

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Ann

Alana Thrower

Alana Thrower

Beautifully done! l/f/t

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Alana

Marian Bell

Marian Bell

Charming work, Constance! LF

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Marian

Marian Voicu

Marian Voicu

Very imaginative work! F

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Marian

Tania Stefania Katzouraki

Tania Stefania Katzouraki

Brilliant digital manipulation of these beautiful floral subjects! L/F/Pinterest

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Tania

Bradley Boug

Bradley Boug


Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Bradley

Morris Finkelstein

Morris Finkelstein

Beautiful floral digital artwork, Constance! F/L

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Morris

Dr Debra Stewart's Gallery

Dr Debra Stewart's Gallery

Wonderful creativity and world to create!!! -Tweet

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Debra

Jennifer Jenson

Jennifer Jenson

Beautifully created! L/F

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Jennifer

Debby Pueschel

Debby Pueschel

Revisiting. FL

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you

Marian Bell

Marian Bell

This is so harming, Constance! Wonderful presentation and color! LF

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Marian

Derrick Neill

Derrick Neill

Liked & Faved, Constance!

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Derrick

Michael May

Michael May

Beautifully done!

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Michael

Brian Tada

Brian Tada

Revisiting this beautiful and happy, joytful work of art ~ Very nicely done, Constance! F/L

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Brian

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

This is a beauty, Constance! Such gorgeous color and detail! l/f

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Kay

Randy Burns

Randy Burns

The textures, colors and symmetry are so beautiful in this work Constance. F/L.

Constance Lowery replied:

thanks, Randy

Alexandra's Photography

Alexandra's Photography

well done - L/V/F

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you

Carol Japp

Carol Japp

Revisiting this fabulous artwork!

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Carol

Maili Page

Maili Page

Beautifully unique work!

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Malli

Eddie Barron

Eddie Barron

very nice

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Eddie

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll


Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Joan

Delphimages Photo Creations

Delphimages Photo Creations

Very nice

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you

Az Jackson

Az Jackson

Great work, Constance.

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Az

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Manipulated Flower Two by Constance Lowery
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