Here you will find unconventional, out of the ordinary, one of a kind surreal digital art. Please enjoy! Mastodon

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To Kneel  Photograph by Constance Lowery

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Comments (474)

David Zanzinger

David Zanzinger

Wonderful tribute, very nice!

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, David

Mary Timman

Mary Timman

Fabulous capture and so meaningful. L

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Mary

Ann Pride

Ann Pride

Excellent work Constance

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you

Joy Watson

Joy Watson

Great work.

Steve Taylor

Steve Taylor

A great memorial Constance. Favourited and liked

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you

Judy Jones

Judy Jones

Fabulous image

Abderrahim Fachtali

Abderrahim Fachtali

gorgeous work ❤

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you

Mary Lynn Giacomini

Mary Lynn Giacomini

Stunning work and composition Constance! Congratulation on your Elite Special Feature in Art District Group! LF

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Mary

Mary The Barber

Mary The Barber

Fabulous Constance!

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Mary

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

Revisiting this great image, Constance!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding patriotic composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! Congratulations on your very deserving Elite Special feature! F/L

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Gary

Pamela Williams

Pamela Williams

Congratulations! ♥️ Your work has received a SPECIAL ELITE FEATURE & been showcased on the homepage of the aRt diStrIct! You are invited to archive your work in the 2023 ELITE SPECIAL feature discussion thread. BRAVO! #Freedom #TheArtDistrict

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Pamela

Anas Afash

Anas Afash

So beautiful ... L/F

Eckart Mayer

Eckart Mayer

Well spotted

Belinda Krause

Belinda Krause

Great image, Constance!

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you

Jim Love

Jim Love

revisit to a genuine classic

Sharon Williams Eng

Sharon Williams Eng

Revisiting this wonderful capture.

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Sharon

Laura D Young

Laura D Young

Very moving and impactful work, Constance. Such an emotional tribute.

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Laura

Eleanor Bortnick

Eleanor Bortnick

Wonderful tribute. L/F

Belinda Krause

Belinda Krause

Beautiful and moving

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Belinda

Trilby Cole

Trilby Cole

Soul touching!

Laura's Creations

Laura's Creations

Great capture LF

Calazone's Flics

Calazone's Flics

Fantastic frame of this heartwarming scene! l/f

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you

Steve Rich

Steve Rich

Very nicely done Constance, favorite for sure with a share to Twitter.

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you, Steve

Shelia Hunt

Shelia Hunt

Beautiful capture, Constance!

Constance Lowery replied:

thank you

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To Kneel  by Constance Lowery
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